PRO Predictor.cpt contains the application PRO Predictor and one data file PRO 1991. Although PRO Predictor will run with only one data file, it will be severely hampered in providing statistics.
In order for PRO Predictor to be fully operational, download PRO Predict Data.cpt, which contains the data files for 1983-1990 and the manual which fully explains how to use the many features of PRO Predictor.
Once you have downloaded the PRO Predictor data files, as you are extracting them, place all the data files in the same folder with PRO 1991. Only those data files that are together will be used by PRO Predictor.
Before running PRO Predictor, read the Getting Started Chapter in PRO Predictor Document.
NOTE: PRO 1991 contains the complete schedule for 1991 and scores have been entered for weeks 1&2.
PRO Predictor is a shareware application. Try it out and if you like it send $20 to register to:
R. Scott Smith
15928 Devonshire St.
Granada Hills, CA 91344
Be sure to include your name and address so I can send you any updates as they become available. I would also appreciate any comments or suggestions for improving PRO Predictor.